For bespoke wargames scenery or dioramas, please contact us with your requirements via email to or use our Enquiries form in the Contact section. Please find a selection of images from previous custom orders below. There are many more photos in the Gallery, and even more can be found on the Take Cover Scenics facebook page:
20mm scale snowy fields designed and built for a customer's Ardennes table.
This is just one board that formed part of a large French village (loosely based on Villers Bocage) that I built for a customer who plays in 6mm scale.
28mm scale paddy field - specifically designed to allow a 28mm figure on a 25mm wide base to fit between the rows of rice plants.
28mm Hop Field built as a custom order.
June 2020 - this is a follow-up commission for a customer who ordered a load of boards in 2019. This time the project was for modular rivers and trees. The photo shows just a small part of this commission! The tanks are 6mm scale.
This photo shows just a part of a large commission to make a load of 20-28mm Roads, Hedges, Fields, Allotments and Fences. Shown with 20mm Americans for scale
In July 2020, I completed 2 simultaneous commissions for 2 separate clients who both wanted Winter roads, and Winter hedgerows, trees and fences. This photo shows about a quarter of the total amount of products actually made. Shown with 20mm Americans and Germans for scale
November 2020 - a large build for a customer who needed some Muddy Rivers, Paddy Fields, Roads, and a stack of Decidous and Palm trees for a special Vietnam/Cold War project. The photo shows about half of the products made for the customer.
September 2020 - another bespoke commission for a load of Desert Wadis/Dry Rivers Shown with 20mm Germans for scale
December 2020 - the customer commissioned me to make him a 30" long escarpment, with 4 interchangeable sections. The main section was 12" long, the two rounded ends were 9" long, and the Quarry end section (shown in the photo above) was also 9" long. Shown with 20mm Germans for scale.
This one took a while! August 2019 - a large commission for a set of modular terrain tiles, with roads, fields, hedgerows, hills, and forests, plus a stack of standalone bocage hedgerow sections.
This customer commissioned me to make him 15 paddy fields in various sizes, as well as a set of 9.5" Wide rivers, and 2 hand-made rickety bamboo-style bridges, for use with his 6mm scale Vietnam War collection.
This was a fun build - something a little different! The customer wanted an Urban Park for 15mm gaming. The brief was to have a grassy area with a little duck pond and flower beds, a parking area, and a small sports field. All within a 12" x 12" square!
This photo shows just a small part of a truly massive commission to build over 30 feet of 28mm scale, Extra-wide Deluxe Normandy Bocage (Ultimate Bocage). The total base width was 7", to accomodate 28mm tanks.
Another large Deluxe bocage commission - this one was for 25 feet of Standalone Deluxe Bocage sections in various lengths. The circles on the tops of some of the banks conceal magnets for adding detachable trees.
Summer 2020 - A recently completed commission for 3 Desert hills with added greenery. They're a hybrid between my Mediterranead/Desert hills and the Grassy/Craggy ones, with lots of grass over arid ground, and some heather/lavender patches.
January 2021 - another Deluxe Resin river commission, this time with 2 custom pieces to house the customer's bridges. One was an iconic Japanese red bridge, and the other was a wooden bridge that crosses a custom-made ravine piece.
October 2020 - I built several feet of Deluxe Resin river sections for a customer in the US, which included 3 custom-made sections to fit his bridges. He wanted the banks left bare of grass, so that he could add his own grasses and tufts. Part 2 shows them fully finished...
January 2021 - the same customer finished adding all the finishing touches to the banks of his resin rivers, and left a superb review of Take Cover Scenics' rivers on his blog:
December 2020 - not a commission as such. One of my customers sent me a couple of his 3D printed mangrove trees to see what I thought of them. Couldn't resist having a little tinker to see what the trees would look like fully painted up and immeresed in a resin pond!
February 2021- this was my biggest Deluxe Hedgerow commission to date. The client wanted the hedges scaled for 15mm gaming, and ordered 40 feet in straight sections, then another 30 feet in corners and curves! The attached photo shows just a few of the straight sections on my workbench.
March 2021 - I built this walled Mediterranean Orchard, and 6 Orange Trees in early March 2021 for a client who'd also ordered a load of vineyard rows and Olive Trees. The Orchard base measures 10" x 10" and is painted in the new Arid Earth colour scheme. The figures are 20mm, for scale.
March 2021 - my client wanted 5 Wheat Fields, each measuring 10" x 10", and with a network of trackways that would allow the fields to be used as standalone pieces, or to be used together. He wanted a Mediterranean base colour scheme, so I used my Desert Ochre colour pallette. These Wheat Fields have now been added to the online store as a new range! The figures are 20mm, for scale.
April 2021 - this photo shows just a small part of a large commission for 8 feet of Deluxe Resin-filled rivers (including a really nice bridge section), several feet of the new 3" Wide Flexible Cobbled Roads, and some Allotments with attached hand-made fences. The figures and vehicles in the photo are 20mm, for scale.
April 2021 - a returning client asked me to make him a display board for his 15mm Flames of War army. It needed to measure 60cm x 40cm, and he wanted the board to have modelled-on dirt roads, including a T junction, and a deluxe resin river with a ford running along the right-hand side. Mission accomplished, I reckon! Here's a photo of the piece with some 15mm Germans.
April 2021 - I completed a commission for a client who'd asked me to make him three resin-filled Deluxe Paddy Field complexes, each measuring 9" x 14". Each complex is modelled with a different combination of small paddy fields, which gives a really realistic look. No individual rice plants on this commission! These 3 Paddy Field complexes have now been added to the range. Shown with 20mm Americans for scale.
April 2021 - a returning client who I'd previously supplied with a Samuria Grave Marker, asked me to make him 2 small Samurai Graveyards for 28mm scale. He wanted each one to measure 4" x 6", with 4 graves and a single tree per base. The gravestones and plinths are completely scratch-built. He also wanted a couple of matching standalone trees.
May 2021 - this was my biggest hill commission by a mile! An established client who's already got a load of my hills, asked me to make him a massive craggy hill with a footprint that would cover at least 5 of my XL Hills. The brief was to build something around 3 Feet wide and 2 feet deep, with a grassy central plateau with gentle slopes, flanked by two huge cliff-faced promontories. The height of the plateau is around 2", while the cliffs are 5" tall. Shown with 20mm (1/72) scale Germans.
May 2021 - this one was a bit of a departure for me. A client emailed me a photo of a bridge that was featured in a copy of an ancient White Dwarf magazine as part of an Epic 40K feature. He asked if I could replicate the bridge, just from this one photo. WIth no measurements or plans to work from, just a single blurry photo, and a river section that the client sent me in the post, I set about building the bridge from scratch. 10 hours later this was the result...
May 2021 - I've been making Flexible Tarmac roads in various widths for years, but this commission certainly got the grey matter working! Last year, a returning client asked if I could make him some 4" Wide ones - with 14 feet of straights (including 6 sections with a 24" length!) plus a stack of shorter sections, several Crossroads sections, T junctions and curves. And, he wanted them all with white lines! After a bit of experimentation, I discovered a method that gives great results.
The above photo shows just a small part of the commission, with some 20mm Americans for scale.
June 2021 - I completed another commission for a set of 5" Wide Deluxe Resin-filled rivers, including a custom section to house a large double-arched bridge. I've attached a photo of the rivers and bridge section, with a couple of 20mm vehicles for scale.
June 2021 - as part of a much larger commission, my client wanted just over 16 feet of hedgerows for his 10mm games. The majority of the hedges were the standard Bocage-style ones, but he also ordered some Deluxe sections to add interest. As you can see, the two styles complement each other perfectly.
July 2021 - The 3" Wide Flexible Cobbled Roads are proving to be very popular! Here's a recently completed commission for a client in the UK, which included a couple of "Dirt to Cobble" transition pieces so that he could use them with his exisiting 3" dirt roads. There were also a few junctions, but they're not included in the photo.
July 2021 - I worked on 2 river commissons for two separate clients at the same time. One was for 5" Wide Resin-filled rivers, and the other was for some 3" Wide ones. Here's a photo of the completed 3" Wide Commission, which included a 24" long and an 18" long piece.
September 2021 - here are a few items of Mediterranean scenery that I worked on for a couple of clients, shown with a 28mm figure for scale. The commissioned products included vineyards, a Mediterranean allotment, a Walled Orchard and a stack of Olive trees.
October 2021 - as part of a large commission to make around 20 feet of Deluxe resin rivers and streams, the client also asked if I could make him a number of custom-made sections to house some resin bridges.
Here's a photo showing 3 stone bridges mounted onto custom river sections, and an extra large piece that incorporates two Team Yankee Overpasses fully integrated onto a river section. That last one took a while to design and build!
November 2021 - one of my clients asked me to build him a WW2 Airfield, 16" Wide and 4 feet long, with a section of gridded, weathered concrete at one end, and the rest as grass, with a long run of Marston Matting. Here's a close-up photo showing some of the concrete, grass and matting, along with a 1/72 Spitfire for scale.
September 2022 - I built a large river network for a client, comprising a load of 9.5" wide Vietnamese-style Muddy Rivers, as well as some 5" wide ones. The client sent me a photo of some 28mm Americans on a boat on one of the wider sections. Lovely paint job on the boat and figures!
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